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發表於 2013-6-3 17:36:10 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
其實我們比較幸運,在做seo的這個時代,能遇到樂版主這樣的有能力有善良的人,只能用幸運2個字來表達心中的感情+ m' @7 H! q# k0 x7 i  u

  X: C6 L% _# S7 @! \( K( ?樂版主是新東方英語老師,雅思托福寫作與口語導師,自己多年研究了翻譯引擎的原理,曾經與國內大牛周宏偉交流翻譯引擎,後來給google寫過信希望能根據他的方式修改翻譯引擎翻譯結果水平,雖然沒有被重視。但是樂樂確在此幫我們深度研究了偽原創改寫的原理。
! R: Y$ @( o. N+ C% n" {4 |, b0 \8 @; L; P1 g! y) U6 N
可以這樣說,深度的偽原創改寫就是原創,任何網站都無法脫離偽原創,僅僅是程度深淺而已。3 K  K3 R) n3 u2 D, T

- c3 I8 r; w( I3 A- h+ `樂版主最近通過大量的時間,深度研究了偽原創的知識,並且深度研究了0 S( F; Q; u3 i

0 B1 V' n+ a5 X) l2 m第1代基於同義詞替換的工具
( f. p/ i" f0 K, ]第2代基於LSI智能的偽原創工具4 }, N$ L3 D6 u

* A2 V: E1 W; T/ H最後自己在自己發明的一日翻譯速成法的基礎上,總結出了一套自己獨特的改寫方法3 D; E4 M7 `) K7 M# y; s
8 u% I, V! p* ~& h, T
0 r; @3 ]) h, {6 B
* x4 v7 z8 S" A目前這套改寫方法效果如下  z: W- F! n/ K/ z. W

+ C8 I( W& t; i  }; l. b' N+ I1.100%原創過當前主流原創檢測網站
+ v' q3 Y3 v( f% y5 ~5 B
9 |8 W2 a" `- Z& o. Y# p: R& K這些原創檢測網站包括
1 z% I- z* f' c7 y* j8 q2 J( h. |
& b, h3 }4 x9 W: h推薦
+ m! o6 z8 @! b4 Dhttp://www.copyscape.com/
$ _0 k+ b# E6 L& K3 r+ O4 chttp://www.plagium.com/
/ }6 \) l, I" q9 w
9 [6 R' g( B* `9 @, r+ d. N其他
, {2 O2 z1 U8 H( Thttp://www.scanmyessay.com/9 i4 D' O6 F2 `
http://www.plagiarismdetect.com/; [) t5 k2 r0 x; x' o
http://www.articlechecker.com/1 y" a7 H: M# A  J4 a
http://www.duplichecker.com/+ C4 B# l, @& j' \; N7 O$ S
# M' S1 z0 x* m7 D
google自身進行搜索,也過  t) E/ Y9 Y( O6 C. c) [' b5 V
3 c2 O% d; J# _: _0 K

- x0 n! r& y3 }5 V! v# @2.100%可讀性保留! s( {9 S1 d& h) X" q
你不用在擔心可讀性與文章地道性的問題! h  _) ~  [3 R8 o* j

& S0 t; @  n& n6 }$ L2 M, b' U! _% L. h: P7 W3 Z1 }
# S0 [; q# N. h" h. m- _
% X* [! M! Z6 m* v; m
3 N* ~* v8 G4 h, w 435.jpg
, y( Y+ D2 _* S+ {8 m$ I3 @* V/ D7 c& p9 J1 a" m7 |% A% L# J3 }' V

: U* ^' S$ ?7 ~9 A  ? 23213.jpg
6 I5 F; S. _1 d1 z
3 [$ V6 O2 p' g. S: R% t0 B* Q! ]6 u5 d7 N3 \
123213.jpg ; x2 D5 f8 m* p, c7 S& A2 w

: m6 R! s4 X# z0 c8 R/ D) ~. L: @5 ?% V, n0 [3 H) |

* W! c. B! |, f* o- e! {( S' e
$ f: d9 [8 ^. K3 Y9 z' d6 ?而使用TBS,chimp rewriter,而第2代智能偽原創完全無法達到以上效果- z5 n- ^& U3 P, [3 E5 F- l/ L1 N
9 r: L7 _2 H. N; C7 p  J別懷疑偽原創,極品的改寫就是極品
+ B8 O) E' N1 @0 V
( X/ E8 T. b5 |! Z4 e下面附2個實例效果,英語高手,自己對比0 ~) X9 x) I$ Y8 X: ]

9 }9 ^7 u3 ]- v7 R( f% j這是一篇amazon 300字review
  1. http://canvasli.com/masticating-juicers/omega-80038005-juicer-most-versatile-juicer/
  1. I first thought this juicer looked a bit imposing and scary when I saw it on the shelf at my local electrical appliance store. I asked the sales person about it and was surprised to find out how versatile this juicer is. People who are trying to include more vegetables in their diets can consider this the best vegetable juicer.
    1 [. @: h. H' q* r+ ]% k0 a1 Z+ I

  2. , U0 \& H4 F1 v& z7 Z5 C

  3. ' j9 x5 @6 K3 N, k! S
  4. Omega 8003/8005 Juicer
    ; }9 L: s* @9 V+ z/ n5 \7 G1 I
  5. I think it has to do with the fact that it』s a masticating juicer, which mashes everything to a pulp before juicing.0 U! x& W0 F. R+ u: W4 e

  6. " j( |8 k, m  |' j
  7. But seriously, it can juice practically everything but the kitchen sink. (But since nobody really wants to drink kitchen sink juice, there』s no problem in that department!  ) It runs on a very low speed, so unlike high speed juicers which whiz everything (the heat produced kills nutritious enzymes), no nutritional content is lost in the juicing process. This really makes it the perfect choice for extra fussy nutritionists who want to retain as many nutrients in their juice as possible.4 S+ J: n  {; D3 T# A

  8. " w, p5 B9 K4 e  f3 j: v
  9. I』m tempted to buy this juicer because the idea of being able to make nut butters, pasta and other foods that you can think of which require pounding ? but when the sales person explained to me how much I need to clean, it put me off right away. I』m not a fan of cleaning, so I stuck with my Breville.
    3 R8 r5 I) y' H; G: {: T; I- Z
  10. - q! x5 l; x  o6 z
  11. However, it really is amazingly versatile and produces very nutritious juice, so honestly, if you』re not as lazy as I am in the cleaning department you really should consider this Omega!* k+ X. \' i# [6 n4 j
  1. The first time I saw this juicer on the shelf at the electrical appliance store, it gave me a deep impression and a scary feeling. I was astonished at the multiple functions of the juicer which was spoken from the salesman. This, the best vegetable juicer, is the right choice to those people who want to eat more vegetables in their diets.   m( f1 c9 H' b. q4 U! g

  2. * J, H/ P. C' |/ H
  3. Omega 8003/8005 Juicer
    3 T6 \, z0 Z* R* R7 [8 q$ K( ~' d
  4. $ x5 b5 a/ B! N8 \. ^* w. l
  5. I call it masticating juice because it pulverizes everything before squeezing juice. Except the kitchen sink, in earnest, it could juice almost everything. (However, there』s no problem in that section because there』s nobody who really would like to drink kitchen sink juice.) Unlike the high speed juicers which would make the nutritious enzymes get killed because of the heat produced by whipping everything very fast, this juicer runs on a very low speed which can retain all of the nutritional content during the juicing process. Thanks to this reason, it becomes the best selection of those extra fussy nutritionists who believe in that the more nutrients in the juice, the better the juice is. With this juicer, practically you are able to make nut butters, pasta and some other foods which need to be battered. But when I was told by the salesman how much I have to clean, I put it down and left immediately. I can』t leave my Breville because I don』t like cleaning at all. 6 r3 ]8 k1 @2 F

  6. 2 @$ j3 D& C" l) z/ E
  7. Nevertheless, It is really a wonderful and multifunctional juicer producing a very nutritious juice. It should be taken into your consideration unless you』re as lazy as I am in the cleaning department.
同時缺點如下) _0 ~: I. \% T0 q5 D. d/ B
目前改寫基於樂樂理論,雖然效果好,但是仍然需要大量的手工時間,還不能做到很自動,這點未來會逐漸減少手工時間,目前技術上不允許+ x. n0 C% t& |

3 @: h' i  \. ]; n5 h( E( W/ k理論是無價的,內容為王的時代,所以理應是樂樂產品中最貴的一款
( e9 P8 Q1 I- J4 _5 W- N* o3 D  j+ x! M

3 D" G8 X, T" r! V0 i1 T3 O7 X) O/ g3 x) i2 s

. S- U$ C. N7 O; h' A& B' t: W: @4 p
4 c& R+ h  U% ?8 s$ \
/ e6 b+ d( i* M5 b) J! J; v  |6 M* Q8 `2 I) p. G


參與人數 2猪毛 +2 收起 理由
比加菲还懒 + 1 都这么厉害啊~
hardrock + 1


發表於 2013-6-3 17:45:10 | 顯示全部樓層
5 v: F: _# |4 N6 P; `* {
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發表於 2013-6-3 17:46:36 | 顯示全部樓層
我一直對「偽原創」與「再創作」兩個概念界限不清晰。就像大法師所言,深度的偽原創,就是原創。0 h- l* _' J! N9 G" L3 L+ b, I4 B
6 S2 B  U' `9 t' ?0 c3 k妾以為,深入的偽原創,難度並不低於改寫。果真如此,還是在英語基礎上下功夫。
3 _3 s* ~+ F0 p; f0 \juicer的例子改的很好,開眼界了,期待樂版的教程。7 b7 L* ~" `2 ~6 K" a


爱妃所言极是!  發表於 2013-6-3 18:19
妾以为。。。。。  發表於 2013-6-3 17:59


參與人數 1猪毛 +1 收起 理由
Seanhere + 1


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發表於 2013-6-3 17:55:39 | 顯示全部樓層
這是新教程嗎?什麼時候出品?還是加入到dofast裡面?+ X( c# m* ~. T* W7 o/ N


还在研究中,目前是研究阶段  詳情 回復 發表於 2013-6-3 17:58
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 樓主| 發表於 2013-6-3 17:58:17 | 顯示全部樓層
quanjugouzi 發表於 2013-6-3 17:55 5 r- M3 S9 x1 ~* `: ^, q& E
! F/ R4 H3 ?6 R- h! Q
: [. ^! u0 v0 i& [+ [" k3 p# d" t/ V4 ]; }
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發表於 2013-6-3 18:02:19 | 顯示全部樓層
& t; {3 T6 q8 d7 h# P8 j如果對應到中文環境中,原理大家都很清晰:分析句子或段落結構-分離基本語素與邏輯關係-按原邏輯重組語素。7 g# x0 L% W! z4 l
舉例:( C3 [" H) N3 O, P; ~. [, y1 @
4 p* B+ f: K& a# ~, q- @# ^* W拆解:小和尚(主語,同義詞:小僧、貧僧等)、觀音坐蓮、感覺、好(棒、妙);邏輯關係:因果,目標關鍵詞,觀音坐蓮
0 ?2 H$ N5 B( f6 R. v2 |
: F7 `6 J: A4 q4 e1 J再加工後的句子要保持邏輯不變,但是通過改變邏輯連接詞變換語序,名詞和形容詞都可以找到同義詞替換。
8 \( T' n4 K" F1 D9 C7 ]改寫1:因為感覺妙,小僧喜歡觀音坐蓮
' f% s" [8 U$ f" u改寫2:貧僧喜歡觀音坐蓮的原因並無其他,只是感覺棒。0 l. K. M: m5 ?; p
: C" f& ~& a3 _4 B! }4 C0 [% Y& D
( \. _5 W) }1 H/ Z" h4 l  s  E
# `& q4 O& V( y* ?( a5 d* I/ v% R4 X/ K6 t4 Q# T6 @6 t
' Q4 M- d- n4 S/ O個人拙見,貽笑大方了。' C. R1 B' s# p# Z


分析得很好,学到不少知识。  詳情 回復 發表於 2013-6-11 06:59
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 樓主| 發表於 2013-6-3 18:04:54 | 顯示全部樓層
4 j$ ^+ {. b& r7 a; A8 e. z! y  B
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發表於 2013-6-3 18:21:21 | 顯示全部樓層
其實偽原創這東東,是國人才有的吧,根本原因在於國人的英文水平低和不熟悉當地的情況。所以只能從單詞句式中變換。1 O1 U! L& m" o3 l
如果水平足夠,搜集一堆資料,看完後總結,再用自己的語言寫出來,其實寫的也是這種東西,就看不出抄襲的痕跡了。8 ]3 h- }( B, X- w# x9 p' j
所以貓貓版根本不會為這個頭痛。. I6 c  B5 y: h- B( G


私家猫同学出来谈一谈~  發表於 2013-6-3 18:25
伪原创是国外很流行的,比国内还流行,否则怎么会有那么多国外的工具呢 其实大众意义上的摘取各种知识点,然后汇集写出来,也属于伪原创 出了语句是原创外,知识点都是伪的 真正的知识型原创极少极少,国人很难搞出  詳情 回復 發表於 2013-6-3 18:24
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 樓主| 發表於 2013-6-3 18:24:20 | 顯示全部樓層
hardrock 發表於 2013-6-3 18:21 2 h, c0 H% X5 H9 t  `: U
其實偽原創這東東,是國人才有的吧,根本原因在於國人的英文水平低和不熟悉當地的情況。所以只能從單詞句式 ...
2 k! H" ~3 u, n1 j* }4 Q+ z- m9 c
' h( {* A0 A+ w8 D9 w/ h1 X
' `& ?- `$ x( B其實大眾意義上的摘取各種知識點,然後彙集寫出來,也屬於偽原創1 \) r1 j! y* H0 U$ ~4 @
6 j/ T( K( A' R0 B真正的知識型原創極少極少,國人很難搞出來
5 N" |  a2 q" W* ]( B& F8 \# B. r9 `6 c! L* Q7 E& q
) z0 b% z# w- a1 v
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發表於 2013-6-3 18:25:12 | 顯示全部樓層
( d# w( [* j. J3 f& t


乐乐这个有一套理论,来指导知识点不全面的人来改写  詳情 回復 發表於 2013-6-3 18:26
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